Business Inquiries:
325.854.3062 call
325.854.5941 fax
The Development Corporation of Baird was set forth to administer and oversee the expenditure of the sales and use tax funds. The Development Corporation of Baird is governed by a board of directors whose members are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the city's governing body. Upon receipt of the sales tax from the Comptroller, a city is required to deliver the funds to the development corporation. The board makes all decisions regarding the use of this local revenue in undertaking projects. Baird adopted the sales tax for economic development (Type A) in 1993. The current Development Corporation of Baird Board of Directors includes Shane Deel, Missy Ramos, Krystal Bounds, Rad Eicke, and Michael Parker.
In 1997, the Development Corporation purchased approximately 200 acres from the Union Pacific Railroad for the purpose of industrial or community development. The site is located along the southern boundary of the city with direct access to rail and to Hwy 283. The board also identified several buildings in the city that are available for small manufacturing operations or for distribution centers.
In 2013, the Community Development Corporation of Baird was established for the purpose of distributing the City's Type B sales tax revenue for various community projects. The current Board of Directors includes Saundra Collins, Barry McCullar, Debbie Modrall, Kelley McLaughlin, Clay Jacobs, Keri Goodwin, and Kent Brown.
For commercial and/or business inquiries please call 325.854.3062, fax 325.854.5941, or email Gloria Dayton, Community Coordinator, at